List Of Machines :

CNC Lathe


CNC Water cutting

CNC Milling

Gear making machines
Lathe machine : A maximum length of 13 MTR and a swing overbed of 3.45 MTR
Since our foundation in 1964, Mr. Moh'd Rifat Haddad Founded Faoz Industrial Equipment Company in Jeddah –saudi Arabia, Faoz has stayed true to its roots, manufacturing products of superior quality and reliability.
Faoz concepts originate with user ideas, and our efforts are dedicated to ensuring customer satisfaction. Faoz Industries have several varieties of machineries. All our machines have one thing common i.e.

uncompromising quality and it is the core element of our corporate philosophy. Faoz industries are a powerful force, designed to meet the need of the modern business world. Faoz Industrial Equipment company is a manufacturing, steel fabrication, & erection, overhauling and maintenance industry. We cover many areas in the manufacturing industry in today's technology.

Our staff of leaders, engineers, & technicians are to serve you at our best to meet your needs. We are looking forward to help you.
Our staff of leaders, engineers, & technicians is to serve you at our best to meet your needs. Our qualified staff performs all on-site measurements and close attention is paid to production to make sure our valued customers are satisfied. Your product is delivered with the highest Quality or finishing your project to the highest standard.

To be a Middle East leader in the manufacturing of Precision machined and fabricated components and assemblies. We will work to exceed all the expectations of our customers, this Includes Quality, Delivery and Cost.


Is straight forward: A Pledge Of Quality & Precision Workmanship, Delivered On Time.

CEO's Message
" Faoz guarantees that every Product supplied or Service extended by us will meet its specified purpose and create value for the customer. We follow efficient systems and processes which keep us updated and always ready to deliver to the market solutions with the latest technologies.
We offer wide spectrum of value added services to our clients to ensure client comfort at all levels for maintaining long time relationships.
Efficiency, Endurance & Finesse are aimed and achieved at realization of customer expectations, with value  added products  and services,  emphasizing a continuous commitment to excellence through customer orientation, innovation, teamwork. "
Moh'd Rifat Haddad   
فوز يضمن أن كل المنتجات الموردة أو الخدمات الذي تقدمها سوف يجتمع الغرض المحدد لها وخلق قيمة للعميل و نتابع كفاءة النظم والعمليات التي تبقينا تحديثها ومستعدة دائما لتقديم الحلول للسوق مع أحدث التقنيات . ونقدم الخدمات ذات القيمة المضافة لعملائنا لضمان راحة الزبائن في جميع المستويات للحفاظ على العلاقات منذ وقت طويل والكفاءة والتحمل والأبداع وتحقيق توقعات العملاء وأهدافهم، والقيمة المضافة للمنتجات والخدمات ، مع التأكيد على استمرار التزام العميل للتوجه من خلال التفوق والابتكار .والعمل الجماعي
Relocating of 2 RMG gantry cranes at Jeddah Islamic Seaport. Project start date 1/1/2005 ended 1/4/2005. for Siyanco - Dubai ports company.
Cranes been secured to a height of 60 meters and width of 40 meters then lifted a weigh....
3rd Industrial City-Modon Jeddah,
P.O.Box 2662, Jeddah 21461
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
TEL  : + 966 12 6230258 ,                      6210190,6244859
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